Article: The DB InfraGO AG Network Statement as Contractual Basis for the Train Path and Service Facilities
The DB InfraGO AG Network Statement (NBN) serving as the contractual basis for the train paths and service facilities contain all important information.
With the NBN, DB InfraGO AG duly publishes its terms and conditions governing access to and usage of its railway network and service facilities pursuant to paragraph 19 of the German railway regulation act (ERegG). This provides customers of DB InfraGO AG with extensive information that enables and facilitates the provisioning of transport services on DB InfraGO AG's rail infrastructure. The NBN contain rules, deadlines, procedures, charging principles and the terms and conditions of business governing usage of the railway network and service facilities of DB InfraGO AG. We also provide you with information on the access conditions for our railway network as well as tell you what you need to note and observe when applying for train paths and capacities in service facilities.
The NBN apply to all train path and service facilities of DB InfraGO AG and DB RegioNetz Infrastruktur GmbH as a subsidiary company of DB InfraGO AG. Routes, railway networks and railways sections as well as service facilities that do not form a constituent part of the rail infrastructure of DB InfraGO AG are not taken into account.
The NBN define the service components when acquiring a train path.
The minimum access package of DB InfraGO AG includes the following services:
- Processing of applications for the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity
- Approval for using allocated railway infrastructure capacity
- Use of railway facilities, including switches and junctions
- Train control, including signalling, settlement, dispatching and the transmission and provision of information on train movements
- Use of trackside power supply facilities, if any
- Any other information necessary for the performance or operation of service for which capacity has been allocated
All mandatory services of DB InfraGO AG shall be settled when a train path is acquired.
The NBN also contain the service components for the use of capacities in service facilities.